Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Food & Liquor The Rap Group?

Browsing through the comments of Fake Shore Drive one night i got a little information from "Prolyfic" himself. Somehow the post got into Lupe and Prolyfic said a few words. He stated that originally Lupe Fiasco and another Chicago Artist Mick Luter were supposed to form a group called "Food & Liquor"

Here's the quote exactly when someone said Lu was going to sign Mick Luter

"i knew i was leaving something out.... get this -> thee duo group name was supposed to be .... drumroll..... Food & Liquor. yup mick and lupe was supposed to form a duo called food & liquor (before the album of course)"
Link to post he commented on and said this HERE


Chi City Animated said...

i wanna see a link to this!! did he say this during the interview?

infamous said...

the links at the bottom for you.

He was commenting on lupe signing hey champ. the post got off subject