Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy Kwanzaa to Lu... Day 6...

Day 6: Kuumba-Creativity

Today, Samantha lights a red candle to symbolize our efforts to do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.

Creativity is described in the dictionary as "Originality, progressiveness, or imagination. The ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, and patterns. And to create meaningful new ideas, methods, and interpretations.

And it is this Lupe, that you are ALL about. You transcend the "traditional" idea of what a rapper whould be like with your originality and substance. Your ideas are new and full of deep thought. And your imagination has taken people deeper into their minds than anything before. You have inspired others with your new and creative ways to think differently and see things in another light. YOU are the physical embodyment of creativity. And you have given back so much to the people that listen to you. Thank you Lu for staying "a little to the left" and inspiring others to do the same. I love you and will continue to support you always.

Love The COOLEST Whitey

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