Thursday, August 30, 2007
Dumb It Down- New Song!!!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
MixMasterMegan Says (Entry 2)
Then I lost.....I haven't been the same since....All confidence....BAM! out the window.
But I promise you, I WILL beat him one day. No probably not actually..but he knows to step his Nintendo game up. You know it's serious when your game is threatened by a suburban white girl.
And Lupe, if you're reading this....which I can only hope.....I really hope I'm on some shoutout for "The Cool".You know I listened to 12 minutes of the outro on "Food and Liquor" last year only to be mixmastermegan?? I answered those phones faithfully for months.......months!! Yammed on people and all!!
Original fan right here.....c'mon now
Love to you and yours,
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Add Gemini's Street Team Page
The Shades are Ridiculous...I LOVE IT!!!!
Also Check out his Myspace and Demand Gemini in YOUR CITY!!!
GZA gives Props to Lupe & Other Chicago Artists
Are you hearing anything today that is taking hip-hop somewhere new?
A. I barely listen to hip-hop, unless it's something I can't really avoid. Hip-hop has taken such a drastic turn, but I'm liking what's coming out of Chicago: Common's stuff, Kanye West... The average street rapper may look at Kanye and go, "He's soft, he's not hood," but he's making good music! He's got good lyrics! I like Lupe [Fiasco], and I think he should be an example for these young dudes, because he has lyrics, can tell a great story and can capture you; he's not on the bull----, he's himself. That's the kind of music I like: When I sit down and write, I'm not afraid to be myself.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Some Pictures
Fiasco Fam Radio
Be There...Or Be There...
Another Interview
The interview is cool but Yo... Why was the interviewer Yelling the ENTIRE TIME?
From CRS Website
Lupe’s new single “Superstardom” ft. Matthew Santos will be debuting this Wednesday at stations in Chicago. Then Thursday it’s off to NYC for Fiasco to do some press and blast off the record in NYC. By the weekend, Labor Day weekend…ever mixer in the country will have the single. So make sure you request like crazy! Now to clarify his touring situation, he’s not going on a concert tour, but rather a radio promo tour, to do interviews at all the local radio stations across the country. There will be some show dates on the weekends, mostly college gigs.
And the online premiere of the single will be on his official website @
Friday, August 24, 2007
Fiasco Fam Radio
And if you think you do...
Trust me it will be for the best.
I just MIGHT be getting that "The Cool" Outro Shoutout After all

Send it to me at:
I repeat...
YA DIG!!!!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Backstage at Lollapalooza
Featuring Lupe Fiasco (of course), Gemini get a few clips, and my other favorites the Cool Kids, and Perez Hilton and more...
To Lupe
Many thanks to Gemini and your good self, especially for the first ever live performance of Tilted in Australia.
May you return soon and perform Failure so that we may pass from this life satisfied.
You spat fire like a funeral pyre,
Thank you
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Who Should Be In the White House??'/breaking-musicians-have-opinions-291327.php
The Link keeps changing for some Just copy and paste. Thanx to whoever it was that told me it wasn't working
Monday, August 20, 2007
Straight From Lupe's Myspace
Just Because I Love This Guy
Friday, August 17, 2007
Lupe In Nickelback's 'RockStar' Video
Lupe Live in Auckland
Interviews from Lupe and Shayla G
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Post Lollapalooza Interviews
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Straight Laced X Lupe Fiasco's "The Cool"
Straight Laced has been providing New Brunswick, New Jersey with all your clothing needs. Now Straight Laced has collaborated with the popular Lupe Fiasco. For Lupe’s sophomore album “The Cool”, Straight Laced and Lupe have come together to put out this dope tee. Here’s a preview of the front graphic. These will be available on Saturday August 18th. They are limited to 100 and will sure sell out quick.
Straight Laced42 Easton Ave. Unit 1
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: 732-543-0043
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
That Outfit is So Cute
Happy Early Thanksgiving from Lupe Fiasco
Click the link to read the entire article...I just pulled a few quotes that I thought were most important.

In related news, Fiasco has pushed back the release of his sophomore album, "Lupe Fiasco's The Cool," from Oct. 30 to Nov. 20. Work is continuing on the album with producers from his 1st & 15th camp, including Pro and Soundtrack. Previously, Fiasco had avoided big-name producers ("It's too expensive," he says), but "now we're doing CRS, [so] I can get all the music for free."
"i'm just wearing down," he admits. "i'm never doing mixtapes again, not even internet ones. my whole energy for making hip-hop music is slowing down. i've been doing it for seven years. i still don't think i'm famous. i'll do what i have to do to promote my next album, but i'm not enthused about doing seven albums. i'll do my three, and then i am going to keep moving to the next phase of life and maybe grow trees."
Video from Lollapalooza: Superstar
Monday, August 13, 2007
Again I Say It, I LOVE CHICAGO!!!
Starting off with the plane ride. My first plane ride ever was terrible. I was nauseous the entire ride and accumulated the worst headache that I thought would be the death of me. But other than that, it went smooth. Less than two hours, which actually seemed more like 30 minutes, and I landed at Chicago O'Hare airport.
I was accompanied by a friend and after arriving to O'Hare we began the quest to getting our luggage and making our way to the bus/shuttle area of the hotel. O'Hare is the biggest maze I have ever seen in my life. So we finally make it to the shuttle area and then eventually to our hotel and I am finally able to get some sleep and prepare for Lollapalooza Day 2.
Day 1-Saturday
My first full day in Chicago starts off extremely slow as the trek to Grant Park actually takes my friend and I about 4 hours to get there. But once we get into downtown Chicago we immediately forget because it is so beautiful. The weather was nice, the city is very clean, besides the Lolla crowd theres not alot of people walking the streets. All in all, its great and I fall in love with Chicago and am already dreading having to leave.
So after spending much of my day at Lollapalooza doing some work, I got to see Rhymefest and some of the Roots. And afterwards we head to the House of Blues to try and get into the show somehow because tickets could not be bought because they had to be won from the radio station. We take the cab to HOB and end up waiting outside for a LONG TIME, about 4 hours before someone finally hands us tickets to the show because they did not want to go. The show was great. Cannot complain for one second. I even got to see some of M.I.A's show. She is great, alot of energy and just fun music to dance to. She picked up a new fan that that night. You should check her out.
After the show all of FNF (excluding Lu and Bishop) were standing outside, just chillin. Speaking of just chillin, we saw Questlove walk from the street, right up to the door, BY HIMSELF, he says hello to us, and walks into HOB just like its nothing. It was crazy but he also just walked out of HOB and chilled outside for a second before getting in a cab and leaving.

Shoutout to the Security Guard who befriended us and tried to help our struggle of getting tickets. The only sane guard at HOB. And the Hotel Sax doorman who charged me $5 to check my bag because I couldn't take it inside. And the dumbass security guard who checked my I.D. like 20 times because he didn't want to believe I was actually 21. And the rest of the Guards at HOB who take their jobs to seriously and think that yelling at a female for no reason is acceptable. OH YEAH and Shoutout to Tiny and Keith for all their help and hospitality.
This day was the Lupe show at Lollapalooza. It started at 2:15 and when my friend and I finally made our way to the stage, the Pearl Jam fans were in full effect. They were not letting anybody get by them AT ALL. But in my head Im thinking this WILL NOT be a repeat of Artscape, so we bodied our way as close as we could to the front of the stage.
And as a side note, as we were making our way to the front, we take a break to plot the rest of our route to the front, and just mention loudly that we are just trying to see Lupe and we would be leaving right after. And then a white lady beside us says "Yes Im here to see Lupe Fiasco as well, I want to move more to the front but this is as far as I could get." And then she proceeds to tell us that she was one of Lupe's former teachers and that she was proud of how successful he has become. And we tell her to follow us if she wants to get closer but she just decided to stay where she was. How weird is that? But LSS, we get as close as we can, but we have a perfect view of the stage because the people in front of us are all sitting down trying to conserve their energy for Pearl Jam in the MILLION DEGREE HEAT. So the show was good. I actually liked the HOB show better. But this one was cool as well.
The heat was crazy, like Lupe had on a white v-neck tee and about midway through the show, the shirt was see through and he could have been entered into a wet t-shirt contest. Like he could have wrung his shirt out and filled a bucket. IT WAS CRAZY!!!! I seriously couldn't breathe, immediately after the show, my friend and I EACH bought two SmartWaters (which by the way, is the best tasting water EVER) and a Half & Half Tea/Lemonade Drink.
And after we regained composure, we just went out and enjoyed the City of Chicago. We ate at Bennigans and went to Loews movie theatre and saw I now Pronounce you Chuck & Larry. That movie was Hilarious. And really just walked around Chicago just taking in the city and enjoying each moment of being there. Chicago is officially my favorite city ever.
Pictures- Random Food & Liquor Store, The House of Blues, Behind the House of Blues near State Street, and the Chicago Theatre.
Now I could probably write a million more paragraphs telling you about the rest of my chicago trip but this is the LUPE FIASCO SHOW, and as far as Lupe goes those are my encounters with him. I do have a few more shoutouts to give though...
KayCee- It was good seeing you again. The next time you've promised us that you will not be so lame when it came down to just hanging out when Lupe is not involved. LOL...Imma hold you to that promise. Keep It Gangsta in the mean time...LOL
Also Shoutout to the crackhead who I had to run from because she was heading our way to beg us for some change, the man on the street with a baby in a stroller asking people to give him money for food for his baby at 12:00 MIDNIGHT, the guys that made our trip to Chicago very worthwhile, the man on the return flight who almost got cussed out for leaning his seat back on my head MORE THAN ONCE and then REFUSING to let it up but then rethought it after he saw the look on my face, everybody who invited us to come back out to Chicago so they could give us a "real" tour of the city, and just shoutout to the city of Chicago...I WILL BE BACK!!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2007
I'm Sorry

Sunday, August 5, 2007
I Love Chicago
House of Blues was Great, Lollapalooza was hot as hell, NO WAIT...HOTTER THAN HELL...but the show was cool...Pearl Jam fans won't trying to let Lupe fans make it to the front AT ALL...
Chicago is a great city, I LOVE IT...Very Clean and Not as Congested and Crowded as I expected...Im So Not Ready to Leave AT ALL!!!!
Major Announcement
Friday, August 3, 2007
New Gemini Interview
But heres an interview Gemini did on He's put on the spot and asked to sing, and I promise his voice sounds like money...which is my way of saying its AMAZING!!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Walk in My Shoes feat. Lupe Fiasco
Also Lollapalooza will be broadcasted via LIVE WEBCAST each day starting at 12:30 pm
And now a special message from our sponsor...
"And for Mr. Fiasco…Chicago peeps, you’re not gonna wanna miss his performance this Sunday at Lollapolloza. Let’s just say, he’s gonna be debuting a new track for the 1st time ever, that will make you lose your damn mind, aight? FNF UPppers!!! -THE COOL coming soon, mang!"
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
New Lupe Pics
This next line was taken from some forum. I thought it was cute...
"Look for an ill collab with featured Handsome Boy Modeling School graduate LUPE FIASCO and the mad DR this Fall."