Saturday, January 5, 2008

Damn...You Mad HUH???

Here is Rhymefest's response to hearing that Lupe Fiasco was in support of Hilary Clinton for presidential candidate instead of Barack Obama. Lupe said he wasn't voting anyway and its just his opinion. Just because Obama is black does not mean that all Black people HAVE to automatically be in support of him. And lets not pretend that politics is nothing more than just a popularity contest on a Grand Scale. And really not even that, cause if thats the case, how the hell did Bush get re-elected for his second term? I still believe that whoever becomes president it won't really matter. The real votes are the ones for your senators, congressmen, and local officials because they are gonna be the ones who can really affect change on the people's level. But with all that said, I saw John McCain on Leno one day, and he was talking about how his wife and daughter was killed in a car accident, and that his family has this motto "If you have to ask, its too late." And I really liked that motto, and If I were voting, Id probably vote for him. Or either Im gonna do a write-in...JAYZ FOR PRESIDENT...hahaha...Just my Opinion.

Posted on Rhymefest's Myspace Blog...

Don't Let Your Arrogance Fuel Your Ignorace (Support Barack)

Recently, a prominent Hip-Hop website asked an artist who they supported in the 2008 presidential primaries. Shockingly, their response was Hillary Clinton. Now, I'm not one to judge a person's political, religious or [even] artistic views; however, the reasons that this artist gave were so fucking erroneous and outrageous that it compels me to speak out, even if only to give fans the right information so that we are not following uninformed-ass rappers down the hole of 'abstract nothingness.'

First of all, the facts:

Barack Obama has stated he is not opposed to military action against Iran if they were persistent in their ambitions to obtain nuclear weapons; weapons being the operative word. However, he also states that as president, he plans to talk to Iran without preconditions about certain assurances in the context of them showing some good faith, as well. Barack Obama stated "I think it is important for us to send a signal that we are not hell-bent on regime change, just for the sake of regime change, but expect changes in behavior. And there are both carrots and there are sticks available to them for those changes in behavior." This clearly does not describe the agenda of a candidate who supports 'the bombing of Iran and all that stuff.'

I would be very interested to know if this particular artist even knows what Hillary Clinton's position is pertaining to military action against Iran; and, no, I'm not giving him the answer.

Barack Obama being the only Black senator from Illinois automatically gives me a sense of pride and appreciation for his journey. Of course, for America to be flipped on its axis with a qualified woman president would be a significant milestone in this chapter of our country's history. But, I fail to see how a qualified Black man as president wouldn't be just as significant a milestone. Please, to all artists who dare to speak on political issues in this election: understand that Barack Obama won the Iowa caucus by inspiring more young people and women to vote than any previous presidential candidate. How could it not be impressive to see the new Bobby Kennedy of our day in the White House?

In the words of Gabriel when he revealed the Holy Qur'an to the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the cave: "READ." Please do not let your arrogance be the fuel for your ignorance.


Fest a/k/a EL CHE


SmallBallCF said...

Alright, first of all, we gotta accept everyone's views here, obviously politics are gonna bring some radical views out in some people. But the thing that disturbed me most about all this is people talking about how their not going to vote. EVERYONE should get out and vote. Even if you think that the president will really not have a large effect on how the country functions, it's very important that everyone gets out and votes no matter who you support. IF you're not going to vote, you're really losing a lot of your voice in this country, so definitely make it to the polls this year.

Anonymous said...

Uh Oh do we have a Lupe vs Rhymefest Beef a brewing???

ok first of all I think Rhymefest has had some anomosity twords Lu in the past because Lupe didnt return his phone calls to callab with him

second Rhymefest probably feels strongly about obama for president and to see another African American Chicagoin support someone else angers him

I dont see anything wrong with disagreeing with someone but it just seems really out of line for Fest to attack Lupe like that...this seemed alot more personal that political to me and Rhymefest needs to chill... i love his music but i just lost some respect for him...

should be intereseting to see if Lupe comes back at him and if this does develope into a beef... although I doubt it will because Lupe has seemed to be 100% anit beefing and I dont seem him stooping that low .... with that being said "OBAMA FOR PRESIDENT" haha

Dream Big... sleep little...

Chi City Animated said...

Everybody has their own voice...end of story.

Unknown said...

haha i post this on lu message boards an catch hell lol

Anonymous said...

rhymefest is jus stating his honest opinion. its because he knows that artists like lupe can have influence on people and he'd rather people just go out and get the facts themselves. i think im gona hav to agree with rhymefest on this one although lupe is prob my favourite artist at the moment

Anonymous said...

Honestly I was a lil' stunned when Lupe said he would support Clinton. I think Obama is a great positive leader for the US... and not just because he's black. Read Obama's books he is what it is. YA DIGG?

Asalaam Alaikum.

Micah said...

You know, Obama got my support after I heard he was endorsed by the Pirate Party!

Obama not only supports net neutrality, but also has realized that copyright laws are meant for increasing progress, not profits.

Thank you and goodnight. Actually, I also want to say that EVERYONE SHOULD VOTE. when I heard the first interview with Lu when he said that he doesn't vote I was REALLY really shocked, and appalled. The President has a HUGE effect on your life, even if you don't see it directly. Look at what the W team has done to the moral of the country... that effects you like you wouldn't believe...

SmallBallCF said...

I don't think the issue here is who has the correct was just out of place for Fest to attack lupe for his political views. That's not fair and it shouldn't be something that divides 2 people.

Anonymous said...

2 things:

1. We all should vote. Once you turn 18 you should be running to the library or DMV to grab a registration form. If you don't vote don't complain. Lupe saying he isn't going to vote stung a little, I'll admit. But if he's gonna vote for Clinton... he doesn't need to vote anyway... lol...j/k

2. Although I am voting for Obama, I disagree with Fest. He says Lupe is wrong because of the reasons he gives for supporting Clinton but Fest only gives one kinda important reason for supporting Obama. This thing with Iran is important... but Iraq and Afghanistan are happening now and are affecting people now... Korea is more dangerous than Iran. And just because he inspires people to vote, doesn't mean they should be voting for him.

Point being, no one should be for attacked for their political views that would be like attacking him because he's muslim, or because someone believes there's life after death. He answer the question he was asked honestly, what more do you want from him Fest?

Obama '08


P.S. Can't wait to see Lupe on the 28th... lol

Anonymous said...

i think rhymefest just took lupe's comments much too seriously. after reading rhymefest's words, he's definitely right that as icons people like lupe shouldn't misinform the people. i felt like his explanation wasn't all that serious but other people might misinterpret his views as fact. i agree with rhymefest for the most part but he should have attempted to keep his response a little less biased. it says 'i love obama' between every line.

Anonymous said...

saying that voting for the president doesnt matter is pretty ignorant, and if u knew anything about politics you'd know that the senators and congressmen that you say really affect change can be vetoed by the president. We have a great senate right now, but nothing gets through house and/or George Bush. The president has a ridiculously large capacity for affecting change. Part 2, popularity contests, as you describe, is laughable because 50% or more of the country doesnt like Hillary Clinton as a person. Part 3, Obama's stances on immigration alone make him the most humanistic choice

AND if you are honestly legitimately serious that you'd vote for John McCain because of a motto...then please, move to Canada. People like you are the reason Bush got re-elected

Mr.HB said...

Check out

Anonymous said...

Lu never said he followed politics and all that, he just said he would vote for Hilary to see something different. He said Obama is black, but he is still a guy and he wants to see how it would be if a women were winning. Thats why he would vote for her. Fest snapped on him for nooo reason.

Anonymous said...

Damn Rhymefest tried to get in that ass but Fest is being Bias as hell, you can't expect everybody to follow your view its Lupe's opinion and dukes just gonna have to accept it.

PS:GO OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Everyone's got their own opinion... and just because Lu said that doesn't mean he hasn't looked into the facts. He shouldn't have been attacked for his views, in the long run, Fest was in the wrong. It's all good though...
ah yeah... you know you can register to vote early before the next national election as long as you'll be eighteen by that point...

Sammy Mac said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sammy Mac said...

LMAO @ Brandi, I was thinking the same thing when I read that haha...

P.S. Slow your roll people, Lupe can vote for whoever he wants. Its really not that serious. So Fest can that ingorance somewhere else. Nuff said.

Everyone should vote the way they feel for THEMSELVES. And respect eachother for their views.

No need to start bashing.
Another case of ignorance and everyone knows that pisses me off more than anything.

Just shut the fuck up and vote.

The Black Sunn said...

Lupe is being more ignorant than you are calling rhymefest and if you don't see that you're blind

Anonymous said...

Why wouldn't he vote? That makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

people have opinions and sometimes your more ignorant for the way you handle others opinions that arent yours

in all honesty, i was shocked that lupe was in support of clinton, and moreover that he doesnt vote
but thats him, and he has the right to vote or not vote

as for me, i encourage everyone out there to vote, i think obama is gonna change things more than any other candidate.period.

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

brandi said...

Listen to the Politricnology segment of FNF Radio...and he explains why he does not vote!

Fiyah said...

I wrote a blog about what Lupe said last week & I almost thought this post would be about me lol. Anyway, I like Lupe and all but he's wrong here, I'm sorry. Far beyond him saying he wants Hilary Clinton to win (which is his own business) he say s he's not gonna vote. That just made everything he said afterwards 100% defunct lol.

Anonymous said...

Rhymefest is retarted.

and Voting in terms for president IS 1000% pointless. its a electoral college that votes anyway, but voting for mayors and shit like that is coo.


Anonymous said...

I say this with respect to you and all your readers. PLEASE vote. The President of the United States of America does matter. For one thing, he (or she) has the sole power to mobilize the military. The fact is, thousands of families who've lost people in Iraq might have their loved ones alive if a different man were in office. And that is just one example of why our choice of President is important.

Our response to a messed up political system cannot be apathy. It must be mobilization. At the very least, young people much research and get the facts. For instance, McCain's just full of inspirational stories and meaningful quotes. But that's no reason to vote for a person!

It kind of breaks my heart to hear you say you won't vote. You've worked hard on site and you have this great platform supporting a talented young artist who stands for intelligence and gives you props. Don't be jaded! Make your voice heard!

Anonymous said...

Is Fest muslim? I mean, I respect the Qu'Ran, and in some ways I even prefer it over the Bible (although I only count the New Testament as the Bible, the other stuff is more or less bullshit in my eyes, just means to control the people during that era), I do believe Muhammad was sent by God, but that 1. it wasn't the final message. 2. Jesus IS God's son. Those are my beliefs, respect them or don't, it's your choice.

mo said...

Just to start off, I'm a big Lupe fan and am also a fan of 'Fest and I respect both of their opinions and leave it at that. I have my own opinions (or maybe lack thereof) on the political scene but that's only important to me.

I'm not exactly sure what your opinion is on the whole situation, but by the looks of the title, y'all are some bandwagoners who take Lu's word like it's gospel. Get your own opinions.

Anonymous said...

one thing i think i've been reading in everyone's opinions is that rhymefest shouldn't have attacked lupe for supporting hiliary and he needs to come up with something better then obama supports the whole iran situation. i agree STRONGLY. it kind of goes back to the middle school and high school days when the teachers always said " SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER ". fest didn't really support his answer that well. i think he should have taken his own advice and dont let his arrogance fuel his ignorance.

Muah!!! said...

"I'm not exactly sure what your opinion is on the whole situation, but by the looks of the title, y'all are some bandwagoners who take Lu's word like it's gospel. Get your own opinions."

...The Title just suggests that Rhymefest sounded kinda mad that Lupe would rather vote for Hilary than Obama. Nothing more, nothing less. Its a line from the show Charm School. My opinion is MY OWN, as I clearly state. Not Lupes. but mine. Also bandwagonning would suggest that we agree with Lupe, but nowhere does it say that we agree with Lupe, or even Fest. The only statement I made is that Lupe is entitled to his own opinion and you can't expect his opinion to match Rhymefest's...But I only agree with me because my opinion is the only one that matters to me.

BTW, Thanx for reading this blog. Appreciate it.

Nicholas said...

Dude. Follow your shit. Don't ever think about changing your opinion because of it. People will look up to you more when you keep a stronger point on to what you have chosen. The more choices you stick with, the more inspirational you are to your own fans. Keep on going man. You're going on the right path no matter what you choose.

Anonymous said...

His comments are compelling and if we were to base this country on facts it wouldn't exist...
"Nigger nigger never die.... ashy lips and ashy eye....nigger nigger nigger"

"Jesus Jesus son of God Spit in his face and hang him high nigger
nigger nigger...."

"Vote or Die.... You will always lie nigger nigger nigger"

(do your history and read about what BLACK people wrote about. What Lupe talks about)

Now, for the bliss of perception and not the role of the devil’s advocate I’d like to state my opinion on this voting frenzy….. Popularity contests kill. I come from a bloodline running from the southern regions of Africa to the Middle East, to the island of Jamaica , where the infringement of freedom has spoken volumes….. All this to say remember where you come from… literally. Let’s end the pulpit. I’ve become jaded with the hubris of young scholars who have the anecdote, yet coincide with rubbish politicians selling hoop dreams. When will we as a people start to believe in ourselves rather than these “leaders?” Not to take a way from the phenomenon that has occurred in the states. A woman running how great is that? and a BLACK MAN running as well…. I’m delighted in the forefront, yet still disgusted with the mental state of both idle leaders. How different are they? Clinton sold us the same insecurity as his wife is now… and Obama my God man show me the difference between you and Bush! You preach to me NO more war?! This country was based on the destruction of others to create a mitochondria… so no, I’m not impressed, BORTHER!
Sure we have a chance to make a change, but that opportunity has been dawdling over our heads before the times of Hilary and Obama… let’s stop the bullshitting.
Look around and see what ordinary has gotten us. This mundane consistency has even birthed idiots as our children. When did God’s blessings become our playgrounds?
I’m talking about a real change… a new day order. A free world. In the likings of the ghettos of Soweto where we can come together in one accord and say HELL NO I WON’T VOTE so my children can create their own tomorrow. Even in their laws they left a loop hole… “Our” constitution tells us that if the people do not vote then the people will rule... What are we so afraid of?
We consider the art that we do to be a stamp of who we are. Yet we write write about finger fucking, books with stolen words, and screenplays of emotional reckless banter. We write books to feed our children and name them Jerome Dickey and think because the nigga out the hood he ain’t a nigger. Have you been tuning in lately? Outside the icecreams and rhymefests.... Nah you take off your cool....
This isn’t a racial thing it’s a unification of a people thing. I’m tired of these tight rhymes, but no life lines in Babylon .

So yes he is an excellent speaker/ writer… Damn right, the next Obama…..but in my freedom of speech I will speak this. Is the nigger always black?
Lupe is presenting the notion outside the box of voting. Perhaps it is the time that we a people listen deeper and blast through the corriders conforming us to vote in this matrix system....

Just my thought.... Vote if you want to