So around this same time that I had to do a blog, I stumbled upon a rapper that I thought was kinda fly. He reminded me of JayZ in the whole attitude of "Look at me, Im Fly, Alot of people Rap Well, But I do it more Fly." As well as the attitude of "You can do you , BUT IMMA DO ME" (Love that song, Hood Anthem 2008). And thats just about all that I really like to see in people, Do You and Be Fly. Simple Right? So LSS (Long Story Short for future reference) I decided to do a blog on Lupe Fiasco.
Now normally when I am introduced to something new, I like to read up on it. So thats what I did, I read up on Lupe Fiasco. I would find interviews, and things, and the blog was basically just a reason for me to find out about some guy who had almost instantly came in and took the #2 spot as my favorite rapper ever. I never had to continue this blog, cause my internship definitely ain't pay me nothing to continue it. I did it for me. Because I like writing, and doing stuff like this anyway. Plus I was noticing that people were actually reading my blog, and they all enjoyed. So Fast Forward to now...
From just about Day 1, Ive always had Missons/Goals of this blog that Ive wanted to achieve, just so that I would have something to reach for. The shoutout on "The Cool" was actually the one thing that I thought would never happen. It was my mission that would motivate to make me work hard, and stay on top of things, sort of like Lupe saying his New Years Resolution was "to get a skyscraper. " So now that I got the Shoutout, and 10 times better than what I even imagined (being shouted on what I think is one of the best songs on the album), I've been asked, "So What Now? What do you want now?..."
MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS OF DOLLARS!!! will always be my first answer, but realistically I don't know. I would like for all the haters to S.A.N.D.O.S or (First S is suck, 2nd S is Something, Figure it out) L.T.P.P.O.M.P (too explicit to even hint at). But even with the mass amounts of hating going on, the love will overshadow it anyday. Shoutout to YOU, YES YOU, everybody who faithfully reads, everybody who comes by every once in a while, everybody who was there from the beginning (kennykenken??), everybody who came because of the shoutout, just everybody. Im SO SINCERRR...( As I write this Im listenting to Jay-Z song Threat, so it was fitting, I had to use it)
( Hears the Wrap it up Music Playing in the Background - "WRAP THAT SHIT UP B"...)
Yo! You Just Gone Play the Music On Me??...
Jesus, Lord, Religion, RIP to my Grandmother, Love Ya Hun!!!...(Gotta stop the music if I start talking about stuff like that)
Alright, So Im done. I have nothing else to say except for the Shoutouts. Lupe Fiasco, Bishop "Youlllll" G, FNF Crew- Jason, Simon, Gem, all yall. Femmes. Rims and Tims. Dr. Cornel West for being all over MTV, (We do need more Eagles and less Peacocks who are just strutting around). And YOU, YES YOU reading this cause if you made it this far, I love you more. Alot more. Not more that I love my mama though, but way more than I love Michael Jackson. WAY MORE. Aight Im really done. We'll see what happens this year, I need more missions/goals now, GOTTA DREAM BIG...This blog is living proof that it may happen one day.
Keep up the good workl. Love the blog.
wow..the part from Dear Mama just played in my head when I finished reading that... 'you are appreciated'...
This blog is the best!!!
THANK U for all the time/effort that you put into it :-)
nice job dude
but can you guys tell me what the abreviations stand for i didnt get it
1 year and stronger than ever.
Keep up the good work
Always good to see people achieve their goals.
somebody should tell kaycee saying bitches all the time doesn't make her cool
even tho i've only been reading your blog since Nov., congratz...'08 will def be a blessed year for you and the blog :)
happy birthday!!!
merry anniversary
Yes, Yes i stumbled apon this amazing blog while listening to a lupe mixtape..... or watching an interview one of which mentioned the site. so i checked it out. this was around the time after food and liqor i think. hahaha! you girls are amazing. keep up the good work! Much love Fam!
Mmm... that piece of cake looks good, and so does the blog, CONGRATS!!!
Double post
Seriously, I love this blog. "Best Lupe resource on the net."
However, if you don't gimme the cake, I will be forced to hack you.
(I have no clue on how to hack. Goes back to admiring the cake.)
hey thats deep..keep doing your thing because i found out about this off of lupe's shotout on "the cool" and i love it..keep hope alive
this blog is cool. you're cool for creating it. i think it's cool that you love lupe as much as i do. it's also cool that you're willing to do all this work. so basically, you're the second "coolest nicca, what?" (cuz lupe's first)
This is great!!!! I have been reading it everyday since the first day. Though this is the first time I leave a comment. Hope you forgive me for not commenting all a long.
good read^^
i told you guys we needed to bake a cake and have a big ass party... but ehh i guess this is the best we can do until we REALLY celebrate lol.. great job sis i cant belive you did all this in ONE year! and all the femmes have done, i love you ladies :)
-sis sammy
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