Tuesday, January 22, 2013


So we all just gonna ignore the fact that Lupe might be off the deep end? I am a firm believer in taking a stand for a cause, but has his terrorist rants started to discredit his artistry? Am I the only one who thinks Lupe may have went wayward in his attempt to educate the people on what he thinks is really going on in America? We all have opinions and I respect his but are we really gonna let him keep coming across as a crazy ass, anti-American negro? Lupe is acting like he been thinking about just saying fuck it and blowing some shit up. LOL.

But all jokes aside, I'm really concerned. Where is Bishop? Where is somebody? Is anybody telling him that he is committing career suicide. I'm sure he still has fans rocking with him and what he has to say but the stunts he pulls sometimes make you not want to be associated. I feel like I have to hide the fact that I'm a Lupe fan now cause I don't want people thinking I'm a terrorist and end up on a federal watch list or some shit lol. Okay imma stop joking about this serious situation.

But seriously, can we all just let Lupe know that we love him and we are listening and he doesn't need to go crazy tryna spread messages through the world. Those who care will get it, and join the fight. Thats where his energy needs to go. Focus on the people who want to support and stop making people rethink being a fan. Lupe is an excellent performer and it upsets me to hear that he was booted from an inaugural concert because he wasn't performing.

Back when I frequented Lupe concerts on a regular basis, we always got the message he was trying to give the people. Songs like American Terrorist and the shit talking was enough to make us feel what you were feeling. The ranting and raving is getting to be a bit much. People don't like to be forced to believe something. The truth always reveals itself in due time. Focus on the music. PLEASE! I miss the old Lupe Fiasco. The one I fell in love with. The one I could relate to. The nigga that was spitting some real shit. And not to discredit the knowledge he tryna kick now, but we know shit is fucked up, make us feel better about it. Make us want to start making changes instead of wanting to start a riot. People just label you as crazy when you try to fight against something that the majority believes. What happened to moving in silence? What happened to Ninja Lupe? You can get a lot more done that way. Show people there is a method to your madness because right now, you just look crazyasfuck. no spaces. (big bang theory is my favorite!)

A Concerned On the fence Fan,

Always Love Though.



Unknown said...

Read my blog, my favourite Lupe tracks.

Unknown said...

Good article.... really

Unknown said...

Good article.... really

Unknown said...

Thank god someone else out there feels the same way I do.

This last album was, I don't know... but it was like having a mother nag at me. The production on some of the tracks was whack too. (I'm looking at you , Heart Donor) The Cool and F&L will always be my go to albums for LF.

Unknown said...

Thank god someone else out there feels the same way I do.

This last album was, I don't know... but it was like having a mother nag at me. The production on some of the tracks was whack too. (I'm looking at you , Heart Donor) The Cool and F&L will always be my go to albums for LF.

AJ said...

I have to say that I wholeheartedly disagree. This guy is THE realest rapper out there. Rapping about what happens on the streets doesn't make you real. Putting a social commentary on it does. He's trying to affect change and I can completely understand his desperation. I think the biggest thing people have a hard time understanding and agreeing with is his calling out of the president for his very terroristic foreign policies. The main factor being that a black artist is the one calling him out. I can understand those extra pro-Obama listeners are upset. If it was Bush everybody would be all onboard, but you all forget that American Terrorist came out when Bush was in office. It's not Obama-hate, it's foreign policy hate and likely a disdain for the fact that a 'fellow brotha' is allowing such heinous acts as drone strikes to go on. The collateral damage is outrageous. But they don't show that on the news. If y'all are on the fence just jump over and be with the non-real artists that continue to pull the veil over your eyes with nothing-filled music. Lupe might be creating career-suicide but if he's doing what he can to get people to wake up, he's always going to have those fans with their eyes wide open rather than their eyes wide shut.

Muah!!! said...

Nobody is discrediting Lupe as a rapper at all. No one ever said he should start rapping about the streets. No one ever said he should stop what he is doing. I said his approach makes him look crazy as shit to people who don't understand where he is coming from. Period. And I'm not even saying that in a bad way. I'm concerned, as i previously stated.

It is the Lupe Fiasco show, we love that nigga over here. That's a given. And to me how is it helping Lupe's cause if he's running fans away from his music. I ran a blog on Lupe Fiasco for years so its safe to say I fuck with him. Probably safe to say even more than you. Seeing as how I took my fandom to another level. But I'm also a music fan as well. And musically, Lupe not doing it for me because his music has become extremely political and depressive to me and thats not why I started listening to him. He's always been about social and political issues, but he's lost his relatable qualities, to me. I'm not a radical so his passion for changing the system doesn't necessarily interest me. I am a thinker and I can dig an artist that stimulates my brain. Lupe is Real. He telling the truth as he know it. Other rappers do that as well. I like all kinds of music, I don't discriminate or judge. I just enjoy what I enjoy.

Unknown said...

I love lupe fiasco and his new cd I think not enough rappers are focusing on what really matters in the real world! the president is indeed a terrorist and so was the last 25 for that matter! rap was infiltrated and co opted by cointelpro and it takes a nation of alert and educated minds to expose it and take our culture back. I love Lupe if it wasn't for him i would not even listen to these liars i mean rappers. All power to all people! http://www.reverbnation.com/yoshuasunoftut

David Milling said...
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Tok said...

if you really wanted to help new potential fans understand Lupe you would do research and help expose what Lupe is trying to convey especially considering that the information to cite is everywhere! I really hope nobody paid you to blog in this manner....You know the answers to those "questions" you ask and if you didn't you surely know how to get the answers, knock it off!

Anonymous said...

Dude it's 2023 seeing and reading this now is crazy to me cus America really brainwashed everyone into thinking aye they the enemy lupe was right I just wasn't paying attention.

Anonymous said...

Wow, when I began reading this blog I was in my early 20s. Now I am officially 40.