Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Lupe's #1 Fan of the Moment...????

So I decided to switch things up with the fan of the moment for this ummm...moment??? Okay so here's whats gonna happen. We have 2 people that are gonna duke it out for the Number One Spot as Lupe's Fan of the Moment. Throughout the next week and 1/2, they need to do whatever they can to convince everybody that they are Lupe's #1 Fan. The Fiasco Fam will come up with a series of tests and obstacles to test each contender (lol) and they are welcome to do whatever additional things they want to convince us all by the deadline of June 9th. Ok GOT IT???...Well LET'S GET READY TO RUUUMMMMBBBBBLLLLLEEEEEE...The game begins NOW!!!!!! AND FIGHT!!!

First Up We Have...

Name: Brandiva
age: 23
location: Detroit

I Love I decided to take a chance with this fan of the moment thing.....

1. I would have to say that I first fell in love with Lupe after I saw the Touch the Sky video I was like "who is that smooth brother in the suit?" and its been a Lupe life for me ever since.

2. I would have to say if I could steal one thing from would have to be his dapper ass lean (his swag...his style...etc...) who wouldnt wanna be the female equivalant to Mr. Fiasco?

And Brandiva's competition is none other than...

name: torabora
age: 17
location: Florida

1) I fell in love with him when I heard him rap for the first time, the song was Muhammad Walks (ya I'm Muslim), and I loved the beat from Jesus Walks but never agreed to all of the lyrics. I kept thinking it would be cool to listen to the beat without some of the lyrics. Then everything from there on made me love him even more; The fact that he is a Muslim/Skateboarder/Anime watcher/Geek/Macbook Pro owner/Gentleman/Politically aware/Joking person and his sense of Swagger just blew me away (oh and he makes excellent music). Just whenever I think he can't amaze me anymore, he comes up with something that blows my brains out (do you know what I'm talking about?)

2) It would be his Macbook Pro, but I got one for college so I'm gonna have to change it to his movement. The way he moves when he sings is mesmerizing, he doesn't just hold up some gangsta sign and wave it all day, he doesn't stand still, and he doesn't dance like someone mentally challenged (no offense) but he actually moves to the lyrics. (If you still don't know what I'm talking about then check out his Failure video on youtube)


mooj said...

I'm ready for the fight!

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you two battle it out for the #2 position...

Check the blog for my challenge...

-La Prezidenta De La Familia

brandi said...

im so ready

brandi said...

i cant find the questions...did you tora bora?