Thanx Optimus, RawDukes, J-Money!!! Living The Dream...
Congratulations GUYS...Wishing you MUCH SUCCESS
Oh Yeah..Optimus & Fiasco Fam Radio???...Stay Tuned...
Thanx Optimus, RawDukes, J-Money!!! Living The Dream...
Congratulations GUYS...Wishing you MUCH SUCCESS
Oh Yeah..Optimus & Fiasco Fam Radio???...Stay Tuned...
Lupe Fiasco will be stopping by MTV's TRL in Times Square this Tuesday, January 29th. To request tickets for this taping please email with "Lupe Tix" in the subject. Must be 16-24 years old and in the NYC area on Tuesday afternoon. Please include the following info in your email: Name, Age, Phone, Location, and Number of tickets
EBAY is the way to go...
You're gonna pay between $100 and $200 (if not more) but if you love Lu like so many of you SAY you do, then you'll make it happen...
Happy hunting... K
MiXmAsTeR, Josh, Gem, RHOyal, Kato and Denno at soundcheck... Look at how tiny Gem is!...
The gang with Optimus... The drummer is DOPE!!! And yes, I got his sticks... LOL
RHOyal and Katelynn (dubbed "Kato" by Bishop G himself) with Gemstones...
RHOyal and her sisters (Katelynn and Dennoria) with the kid himself... Mr Lupe Fiasco...
As you can see... It truly was an amazing night... I gotta give shouts out to everyone that made the show so blazing right?!...
The guys we met in the front row...
Josh and MiXmAsTeRmEgAn (you done effed up!)...
My favorite Bass player, the dope ass drummer, the gorgeous keyboard player and the rest of the Optimus crew...
My favorite drummer Bam (you stole my sharpie!!! LMAO)...
My two little sisters... Who finally got to see Lu in concert...
And of course... The whole FNF crew...
Bishop (you keep me crackin' up)...
Jess (you stay hookin' it up... Eternal thanks)...
Gem (thanks for the sodas (or pop, as you call it), we were hella thirsty!...
Simon (my cousin! LOL... It's an inside joke)...
And last but certainly not least...
Mr. Fiasco himself... Thanks for EVERYTHING... Everything you've done... And everything you continue to do...
Until we meet again... Your Number 1... K
"Hi. Im a major fan of Lupe Fiasco and I know that you know him, so could you PLEASE tell him that my friend and I would love to go to his DC show but it Sold Out before we could buy tickets. I know this is asking alot but we would really appreciate it. You are our last resort. We have to be at this show."
HAHAHA...Okay. I wish I could get you tickets, but as much as I love my blog readers, I come first in my eyes, and I really need to get MYSELF (and my friend) TICKETS!!! We waited TOO LATE as well and now we're wandering aimlessly searching for Tickets. And for the record, I don't know Lupe Fiasco, because if I did, I would have been done this...
- possibly to be continued...because
January 17th, 2008? Hollywood House of Blues? I’m there, you already know what it is - bzzzzz
So I thought about just throwing out a couple of fuck yous, and explaining that no one ever made the statement that people "exposing" Lupe was wrong, or that he is this perfect person who should be held in the highest regard by everyone. You know what happens when people assume stuff right? But I thought of something that would be much more fun for me and hopefully everyone else..."You guys don't understand shit, you're so absorbed in Lupe's image & music you barely understand the reality behind anything. It's pathetic but hey you're all girls so I can understand it. But this trend of people exposing Lupe (or rather Lupe exposing himself and people calling him on it) should really open your eyes"
RE: whos dick at atlantic did you suck to get a label deal w/o selling a..."HAHAHA...Sorry that was just HILARIOUS to me for some reason...I think its the word cock, Ive always found it to be funny. But anyway...Read the latest post Lupe has made on OKP responding to some remarks made in a post (Prolyfic Not On "The Cool"?) by Pro the Producer (remember him?- Mean & Vicious, Just Might Be Okay). It gets kinda crazy...We'll see how this ends. Hopefully on a good note.
In response to Reply # 4
its called having friends in positions of power who believe in your potential...
but i can direct you to the cocksucking line if your interested...
Update: Latino Hip Hop Artist Lupe Fiasco??? HAHAHA...Damn, you mean to tell me nobody had the time to at least google the nigga name to clearly see that he is NOT a Latino artist. Somebody needs to be FIRED...LOL
Check your Local Listings to Watch The Entire Show with Lupe Fiasco TONIGHT!!!
Tavis Smiley's Show Website for more information
Click Either Link to Watch A Preview of the Interview
Lupe Also on Jimmy Kimmel TONIGHT!!!
Here is Rhymefest's response to hearing that Lupe Fiasco was in support of Hilary Clinton for presidential candidate instead of Barack Obama. Lupe said he wasn't voting anyway and its just his opinion. Just because Obama is black does not mean that all Black people HAVE to automatically be in support of him. And lets not pretend that politics is nothing more than just a popularity contest on a Grand Scale. And really not even that, cause if thats the case, how the hell did Bush get re-elected for his second term? I still believe that whoever becomes president it won't really matter. The real votes are the ones for your senators, congressmen, and local officials because they are gonna be the ones who can really affect change on the people's level. But with all that said, I saw John McCain on Leno one day, and he was talking about how his wife and daughter was killed in a car accident, and that his family has this motto "If you have to ask, its too late." And I really liked that motto, and If I were voting, Id probably vote for him. Or either Im gonna do a write-in...JAYZ FOR PRESIDENT...hahaha...Just my Opinion.
Posted on Rhymefest's Myspace Blog...
Don't Let Your Arrogance Fuel Your Ignorace (Support Barack)
Recently, a prominent Hip-Hop website asked an artist who they supported in the 2008 presidential primaries. Shockingly, their response was Hillary Clinton. Now, I'm not one to judge a person's political, religious or [even] artistic views; however, the reasons that this artist gave were so fucking erroneous and outrageous that it compels me to speak out, even if only to give fans the right information so that we are not following uninformed-ass rappers down the hole of 'abstract nothingness.'
First of all, the facts:
Barack Obama has stated he is not opposed to military action against Iran if they were persistent in their ambitions to obtain nuclear weapons; weapons being the operative word. However, he also states that as president, he plans to talk to Iran without preconditions about certain assurances in the context of them showing some good faith, as well. Barack Obama stated "I think it is important for us to send a signal that we are not hell-bent on regime change, just for the sake of regime change, but expect changes in behavior. And there are both carrots and there are sticks available to them for those changes in behavior." This clearly does not describe the agenda of a candidate who supports 'the bombing of Iran and all that stuff.'
I would be very interested to know if this particular artist even knows what Hillary Clinton's position is pertaining to military action against Iran; and, no, I'm not giving him the answer.
Barack Obama being the only Black senator from Illinois automatically gives me a sense of pride and appreciation for his journey. Of course, for America to be flipped on its axis with a qualified woman president would be a significant milestone in this chapter of our country's history. But, I fail to see how a qualified Black man as president wouldn't be just as significant a milestone. Please, to all artists who dare to speak on political issues in this election: understand that Barack Obama won the Iowa caucus by inspiring more young people and women to vote than any previous presidential candidate. How could it not be impressive to see the new Bobby Kennedy of our day in the White House?
In the words of Gabriel when he revealed the Holy Qur'an to the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the cave: "READ." Please do not let your arrogance be the fuel for your ignorance.
Fest a/k/a EL CHE
(side note: Is Dave protesting the writer's strike by not shaving??)